This is the list of download links for CEF binary distributions I've made. All were made specifically with the aim of disabling as many pointless features as possible. All were built by manually building and patching the Chromium and CEF repositories, with almost every optional feature being disabled at build time, such as widevine, rlz, extensions, hangouts, printers, gnome-keyring, and probably more.
"minimal" builds were packaged with the --minimal flag meaning there is only Release, no Debug. In other words minimal builds cannot be used with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
"ungoogled" means the build had the ungoogled-chromium patchset applied to it.
The list of distributions is below. Choose the one that's relevant to your platform. If your platform isn't listed, you'll have to get an official build or build one yourself.
CEF's Windows builds produce debug symbols for use with MSVC. If you need those, they're listed below.